How to Write an Interview Follow-Up Email (Examples Included)

Nothing feels quite as good as leaving a job interview knowing that you rocked it. But after you write an amazing thank you email, what comes next? If you don’t get an offer soon, do you need to send a follow-up email after your interview, too? Or is that too much?

In the end, the world of job interview follow-up is, in a word, tricky. If you reach out too often or in the wrong way, you can actually destroy your chances of getting the position, even if you rocked the interview. But not following up at all isn’t always the best move either, making the whole situation really complex.

Luckily, you’re here, and we’re going to help. Come with us as we take a deep dive into the world of follow-up emails.

What Is a Follow-Up Email?

Okay, before we take a deep dive into creating an interview follow-up email, let’s take a breath and talk about what one is in the first place. In the simplest sense, a follow-up email is a short message where you touch base with the hiring manager.

Exactly how you touch base can vary depending on the circumstances surrounding the contact. For example, you’ll use a different approach for a follow-up email after no response than you might in other situations.

Here, we’re going to focus on a basic job interview follow-up email, as you can adapt it to a range of scenarios. Plus, just because the hiring manager reached out after your interview doesn’t mean you won’t need to follow up, so it’s good to know how to do it even if it isn’t an issue of no response.

But why would you need to follow up after a job interview? Won’t the hiring manager end up making whatever decision they feel is right eventually?

Well, it is true that the hiring manager will make a choice at some point. The thing is, if they haven’t made it yet, your follow-up email can make a difference.

In the end, 74 percent of employers admit they’ve made a bad hire at some point. Why does that matter? Because bad hires are expensive, and a single experience with one could make a hiring manager a bit gun-shy when they need to choose a candidate.

Consider this: a single bad hire costs about 30 percent of the new hire’s first-year salary. That means one mistake cost tens of thousands of dollars. Ouch, right?

So, if you were responsible for a hiring mistake that came with a price tag like that, do you think you’d rush to choose a candidate the next time you need to fill a position? Probably not.

And that’s just one reason why a hiring manager may not make a decision right away. Maybe their hiring budget got changed after your interview, or they got overwhelmed with a high-priority project. Perhaps they had a personal emergency that took them away from the office.

The thing is, those delays can actually be opportunities. By creating an outstanding follow-up email, you can make yourself a stronger candidate. Pretty cool, right? We think so.

Details of a Follow-Up Email

Before we take a look at how to write the message or a follow-up email example, let’s go over the basic format. That way, you’ll have a handy follow-up email template of sorts available.

With a follow-up email, you’ll usually have a: