Evergreen state college equity action plan

Procedure for Submitting MES Thesis to the Library and Archives

  1. MES Program office will submit a list of graduating students to the Library twice a year—At the end of Fall Quarter and at the end of Spring Quarter.
  2. Along with the list of graduates, twice a year the MES program office will box and deliver a bound thesis and an electronic copy of that thesis for every graduating student on the list.
  3. Each batch of theses will come to the library with a filled-out checklist that includes:
  4. Name of the student
  5. Title of the thesis
  6. Marked format boxes ___Bound Copy ___Electronic Copy (correctly formatted)
  7. Each batch of MES Theses will be checked in by Library Acquisitions, who will match the MES checklist to the contents of the box, noting any discrepancies and immediately contacting the MES program office if discrepancies are found.
  8. The Library will keep their copy of the checklist along with the list of graduating MES students, add the electronic copy to the library catalog, and place the bound copy in the College archives.

Note: Theses from degree holders prior to 2007 are bound volumes in the Archives. Those shown below have been digitized by request.

All Theses can be found on the Library's Catalog - Digital versions are available directly from links on the Catalog. Analog versions may be checked out if in the Library's stacks or viewed in the Archives Reading room if only in the Archives.

Degrees Granted 1988

Drummond, Jose. National Parks in Brazil: A Study of Fifty Years of Environmental Policy (With Case Studies of the National Parks of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Degrees Granted 1991

Leigh, Jeffrey. Loss of Innocence: Environmental Liability for the Unsuspecting

Degrees Granted 1992

Degrees Granted 1994

Degrees Granted 1995

Degrees Granted 1999

Degrees Granted 2000

Degrees Granted 2001

Degrees Granted 2002

Degrees Granted 2003

Degrees Granted 2004

Degrees Granted 2005

Degrees Granted 2006

Degrees Granted 2007

Degrees Granted 2008

Degrees Granted 2009

Degrees Granted 2010

Degrees Granted in 2011

Degrees Granted in 2012

Degrees Granted 2013

Degrees Granted 2014

Degrees Granted 2015

Degrees Granted 2016

Degrees Granted 2017

Degrees Granted 2018

Degrees Granted 2019

Degrees Granted 2020