45 Likert Scale Questions for 2025 [With Types & Examples]

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The Likert scale is a psychometric scale commonly used across surveys to gauge people’s opinions to perceptions.

Likert scale questions gauge the opinions and attitudes of people towards a specific scenario. It can help you measure your audience’s opinions and perceptions with greater nuance than a simple “yes or no” question .

According to the surveyor’s needs, it provides respondents with five or seven possible answers that range from polar opposites — complete agreement to complete disagreement.

As a result, a Likert type question is deployed in customer surveys to

In this article, we explain what a Likert scale is, give you some examples, and list the best Likert Scale questions you can ask your customers.

7 Types of Likert Scale Questions – With Examples

In addition to helping you measure agreement, the Likert scale can help you assess and measure frequency, importance, quality, likelihood, etc. Moreover, Likert scale questions allow you to assess the following in detail.

7 types of likert scale questions with examples

#1. Satisfaction Scale

Understand how happy or satisfied your audience is with your support

Example: How satisfied were you with our customer service?

  1. Not satisfied at all
  2. Somewhat unsatisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat satisfied
  5. Completely satisfied

#2. Level of Agreement

Enable customers to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a particular statement.

Example : Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: Cats make better pets than dogs

  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Somewhat disagree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Somewhat agree
  5. Strongly agree

#3. Likelihood to Recommend

Measure the potential for word-of-mouth recommendations

Example : How likely are you to recommend our service to your friends and family?

  1. Not at all likely
  2. Somewhat unlikely
  3. Neither likely nor unlikely
  4. Somewhat likely
  5. Very likely

#4. Level of Importance

Gauge how much your audience values a certain service

Example: How important is it to have 24/7 customer service?

  1. Not important at all
  2. Somewhat unimportant
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat important
  5. Extremely important

#5. Frequency Scale

Assess how often they use certain services to discontinue perhaps the ones they don’t care about

Example: How often do you use our chatbot to troubleshoot?

  1. Never
  2. Less than once a week
  3. About once a week
  4. More than once a week
  5. Most days

#6. Quality Scale

Quality scales assess respondents’ perceptions of the quality of a product, service, or experience.

Example: Rate the quality of our customer service.

#7. Effectiveness Scale

Effectiveness scales are used to evaluate the effectiveness or performance of a product, service, or program.

Example: How effective do you find our online tutorial sessions?

Try Our Likert Scale Survey Template Below!

Likert Scale Questionnaire Template

Likert Scale Questionnaire Template

45 Commonly Asked Likert Scale Questions

The following are some of the most asked Likert scale questions in the surveys. We have categorized the questions into each question type for your convenience.

NOTE: Trouble coming up with Likert Scale questions on your own? SurveySparrow is here to help you!

What you see above is the working of SuveySparrow’s AI feature. You can now create an entire survey by just adding the right prompt. As you can see, within seconds, you can expect the required survey questions for your survey and, with another click, an entire survey.

The feature is available to you with the free plan of SurveySparrow. So, don't shy away from trying it out!

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Satisfaction: Likert Scale Questions

1. How satisfied were you with your stay at our hotel?

2. How well does this product meet your needs?

3. How intuitive did you find using/navigating our website?

4. How satisfied were you with your in-store experience?

5. What was your level of satisfaction with our product(s) (or service)?

6. How helpful are the instruction videos provided on our website?

7. How satisfied were you with our new menu?

8. To what extent did our customer service team meet your expectations?

9. How would you rate your recent customer service call?

10. What do you think about our online prices?

Agreement: Likert Scale Questions

11. Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: Cats make better pets than dogs.

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly would you agree or disagree with the following statement: Chocolate flavor tastes better than vanilla flavor?

13. Please select the option that most accurately reflects your agreement/disagreement with the following statement: I enjoy long walks on the beach.

14. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement: I like eating fruits more than chocolates.

15. [Brand/organization] invests time and money to keep employees updated with technology.

16. The online store checkout process was straightforward.

17. The user manual provided clear guidance on installing and setting up the application.

18. The conference speakers were knowledgeable and informative.

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Likelihood to Recommend: Likert Scale Questions

19. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to friends or colleagues based on your overall satisfaction?

20. Given your recent customer service experience, how likely are you to recommend our company to others?

21. Considering the value for money of our products/services, how likely are you to suggest our brand to someone else?

22. Based on the quality of our products, how likely are you to recommend our products to others?

23. How likely are you to recommend our website/application to others, considering the ease of use?

Importance: Likert Scale Questions

24. Please tell us how important the new features added to [product] are to you.

25. How important are the prices of our products to you?

26. How important is the product warranty to you?

Frequency: Likert Scale Questions

27. In the last few days, how often have you read articles on your phone vs in a physical newspaper?

28. When shopping for groceries in the last six months, how often did you pay with cash?

29. How often did you use public transportation during a regular week before COVID-19?

30. How often do you seek assistance from customer support?

31. Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: Cats make better pets than dogs.

32. On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly would you agree or disagree with the following statement: Chocolate flavor tastes better than vanilla flavor?

33. Please select the option which most accurately reflects your agreement/disagreement with the following statement: I enjoy long walks on the beach.

34. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement: I like eating fruits more than chocolates.

35. [Brand/organization] invests time and money to keep employees updated with technology.

36. The online store checkout process was straightforward.

37. The user manual provided clear guidance on installing and setting up the application.

38. The conference speakers were knowledgeable and informative.

Create Likert scale questions with AI

Quality: Likert Scale Questions

39. How would you rate the durability of our product?

40. How do you rate the quality of materials used in our products?

41. How would you rate the quality of our customer service?

Effectiveness: Likert Scale Questions

42. How effective is our product/service in meeting your needs?

43. How effective is our solution in solving your problem?

44. How effective do you find our customer support in resolving issues?

45. How effective do you find our website/application in enhancing your user experience?

Create likert scale questions with AI

Difference Between Bipolar Scale & Unipolar Scale

FeatureBipolar ScaleUnipolar Scale
MeasurementMeasures feelings or opinions from negative to positive.Measures the level or intensity of one specific quality or feeling.
Scale RangeHas two opposite ends (e.g., Happy to Sad).Starts at zero and increases in one direction (e.g., Not at All to Very Much).
PurposeTo understand if opinions are positive or negative and how strong these feelings are.To measure how much someone feels a certain way about a single attribute.
Example Question“How do you feel about this event? Very Sad – Neutral – Very Happy”“How satisfied are you with our service? Not at All – Slightly – Moderately – Very”

Bipolar Scale

A bipolar scale helps figure out how someone feels about something by offering two opposite choices.

Imagine asking if someone is happy or sad about an event. They can pick a spot on the scale from “very sad” to “very happy.” This scale shows not just how much someone agrees or disagrees but also how strongly they feel one way or the other.

Unipolar Scale

A unipolar scale, on the other hand, looks at just one quality and sees how much of it is there. It doesn’t go from negative to positive but starts at zero and moves up to a lot of that one thing.

For example, if you’re asking how satisfied someone is with a service, they can say “not at all” up to “very much satisfied.” It’s all about measuring how much of a single feeling or opinion someone has.

Likert Scale Analysis

Likert scale analysis, as you may have deduced, summarizes the feedback data and lets you know your customers’ perceptions. It uses numbers to see what most people feel or think about a topic. This includes looking at the most common answers (median) and how much people’s opinions differ (standard deviation).

Likert scale analysis deals with numbers and helps us spot trends or differences in opinions. By carefully examining these numbers, we get a better picture of everyone’s views. This data can help you in making informed decisions based on what people actually think.

It’s all about making sense of people’s responses in a clear way.

Final Thoughts

Likert Scale questions allow you to understand your customers’ opinions, sentiments, and views towards your brand, product, or statement more deeply. When done right, Likert scale surveys can help optimize and improve business performance.

If you are finding it difficult to come up with the apt Likert scale questions for your surveys, then we suggest using SuveySparrow’s AI feature.

Just like GPT, you just share your prompt, and the questions will be ready to use, just like that. You can save a significant amount of time and quickly launch the surveys to collect feedback.

Also, there are 1000+ pre-defined templates available in SurveySparrow, which you can use as such or after customization.

We hope this article will help you create an effective Likert scale survey.

Have you got any questions on creating Likert scale surveys? Got any interesting tips or hacks for creating an effective Likert scale survey? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

Create likert scale questions with AI

Kate Williams

Product Marketing Manager at SurveySparrow

Excels in empowering visionary companies through storytelling and strategic go-to-market planning. With extensive experience in product marketing and customer experience management, she is an accomplished author, podcast host, and mentor, sharing her expertise across diverse platforms and audiences.