Invest with CEP — for you, for your family, and for the Kingdom.

How It Works Diagram

Every dollar invested with CEP is assigned a mission — to empower ministry by funding church loans across the country. So while your investment grows to benefit your family and future, it’s also used to enable Kingdom growth.

Types of Investments

Fixed Rate Note

Our fixed rate notes are especially ideal for those who want to save for special milestones in their future — a child’s graduation, a first home, etc. Since fixed rate notes are not designed for early withdrawal, you have the opportunity to earn more for your investment. To earn a higher rate, open a note with a longer term. For a more immediate goal, choose a shorter term. Current Rates

Variable Rate Access Note

When you want a good return without tying up your money for long periods of time, the access note is available. With just a 30-day written notice, you can withdraw your money without penalties. This is an excellent option for families or organizations that may have unexpected expenses or need access in a few months, but still want to invest in the Kingdom. Current Rates