Home and Community Service Regulations

When Ontario’s government passed Bill 175 (Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020), it set a process in motion.

First, it moved home and community care to the new legislation. Next will come the regulations, which set structures to guide the policies, programmes, and services that affect Ontario’s residents. The June update on the regulations outlined government’s proposed approach and invited comments. In July, Care Watch submitted its feedback. We shared ideas and drafts with the Alzheimer Society of Ontario and the Ontario Community Support Association – organizations with goals similar to ours.

We were pleased that government acted on some of the earlier feedback it received. We note that: 1) the definition of abuse is broadened; 2) official service maximums are removed; 3) social determinants of health are part of care planning; and 4) the appeals process under the Bill of Rights is stronger.

We also had some questions and concerns.

In our feedback, Care Watch recommended that Ontario:

What can you do?

Government says it is “modernizing” home and community care. Keep a close watch to be sure this is really happening. Elections are coming soon. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You can ask:

These questions are only a beginning. As government makes further announcements, and as the regulations evolve, we will suggest others. Think about what is important to you and ask for the answers you need.