Changes in investments and treaties in the international market

IIA Navigator update: new treaties, in force dates and terminations







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IIA Navigator update: new treaties, in force dates and terminations

13 Apr 2023

UNCTAD has updated its IIA Navigator, the world’s most comprehensive free database of investment treaties and model agreements. This update covers new treaties, texts and related information available as of 31 March 2023.

At least 18 new international investment agreements (IIAs) were signed, 24 entered into force and 60 were effectively terminated since the beginning of 2022. A total of over 2,500 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and treaties with investment provisions (TIPs) are currently in force.

About 150 new IIA texts and another 140 IIA texts in alternative languages were added, bringing the total number of IIAs with searchable texts to almost 3,600.

You can browse IIA Navigator for the most recent IIAs, lists of IIAs by country or economic grouping as well as model IIAs. Information on the date of signature, entry into force or termination, protocols and side agreements are displayed.

The IIA Navigator is continuously adjusted as a result of verification with, and comments from, UN Member States. This comprehensive annual update covers new information since the beginning of 2022.

UNCTAD's IIA Navigator is primarily built on information provided by governments on a voluntary basis. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the IIA Navigator, UNCTAD assumes no responsibility for eventual errors or omissions in these data. The information and texts included in the database serve a purely informative purpose and have no official or legal status. For questions and suggestions, users are kindly invited to contact by using the online contact form.

Click here for the IIA Navigator

(Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash)